Announcing Liana Kim Photography

I'm so excited to launch this little business of mine and to do something I love! My journey to get here hasn't been your typical path, to say the least. I've always considered myself to be a "creative type" but growing up as a daughter of Korean immigrants, I was expected to be a doctor, lawyer, or something equally fancy-sounding. In my case, I was a competitive figure skater for 13 years so "Olympic champion" would've sufficed as well. I never achieved any of those professions but started a career in Internal Audit after college and transitioned to Compliance banking/finance in the latter half of my career. 

My husband and I had the opportunity to live in Singapore from 2011 to 2014, where we got to travel extensively and where my love for photography blossomed. I loved not only capturing the amazing places we got to see but the details that made my photos pop, whether it be the vendor at the fish market in Tangalle, Sri Lanka or the crowds at the MTR in Hong Kong. I love the artistic side of photography but the technicality of it as well. I actually find peace in working behind a computer editing photos and finding the little details that others may not see - which is why I was pretty decent at my previous roles sitting behind a desk! 

Having our daughter when we came back to Colorado made me realize I should pursue something that I'm truly passionate about. I've quickly realized how quickly time is passing, and it's now or never. I'm thankful for my friends who have given me a chance to photograph their families, special times, and little ones. I appreciate my husband who has been incredibly supportive in doing something completely different and changing careers. And most of all, I'm grateful for our daughter who has pushed me to share my passion with others. She's pretty much growing up with "big camera" in her face as I attempt to document every precious moment. These days she loves to push the buttons on my camera, eek!

This will (most likely) go down as my most wordy blog post with no pictures (gasp). I'll try my best to keep this up to date! I attempted a blog when we lived abroad to document our travels and failed miserably. There's a reason why I'm a photographer now and not a writer! Please come back and visit to see my latest work with minimal commentary :) Thanks for stopping by!